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Numeric Series with duplicate labels

I have a dataset that I am trying to bind to a NumericSeries and display.  One column is string type and is called Date and the other is double type called Value.  I'm doing the following currently and does almost what I need with one exception.

 NumericSeries valueSeries = new NumericSeries();
            valueSeries.Data.DataSource = dt;
            valueSeries.Data.LabelColumn = "Date";
            valueSeries.Data.ValueColumn = "Value";


The problem that occurs is because my data may have duplicate's in the Date column.  Like so:

Date  |  Value

12/1  |   25

12/1  |  27


When this is the case I end up with a duplicate label on the x-axis for the date 12/1 and the line still angles between these 2 points rather than being vertical as I need it.  How can I make it understand that there may be essentially multiple x (date) values with different (y) value's that should be plotted at the same x location?  Or is there some better way to do this?  Thanks.