I have a grid w/ 2 bands that (via feature picker) is set to Column Sizing > Allow > Synchronized. Both bands have the exact same columns so the alignment is spot on when taking this approach. The first column has to be sized a little smaller in the child band in order to compensate with the default indentation that is applied to nested bands. Is there any way to not synchronize the alignment of the first column, and start the synchronization at column 2?
I might be approaching this problem the wrong way so here is basically what I want as an end result... By default, the ultraGrid provides row numbering capabilities which can appear in the row selector. The numbering system I am using is custom so I have to come up with my own way of showing a numeric value in the row selector. My way of accomplishing this was to add a new public readonly property to my databound object model, and set that to be the first column (trying to impersonate the visual aspect of the row selector). The problem with this is in the synchronized column sizing grid I end up with "row selectors" that arent the same size.
An alternative approach I read elsewhere would be to push a textual draw filter into the row selector. Is this recommended over what I am trying to do above?
I'm not sure I follow exactly what you need. Did you add this extra property to both bands, or just one band? If you added it to both bands, then the Synchonization shouldn't be a problem since it will synch up with the corresponding column in the other band.
If you could post a screen shot, that might help me understand what you want to acheive here.
In the mean time, just to take some wild stabs at it you might want to look into the following:
Mike Saltzman"]Did you add this extra property to both bands, or just one band? If you added it to both bands, then the Synchonization shouldn't be a problem since it will synch up with the corresponding column in the other band.
Did you add this extra property to both bands, or just one band? If you added it to both bands, then the Synchonization shouldn't be a problem since it will synch up with the corresponding column in the other band.
I added it to both bands; but I dont want this column to have synchronized sizing. Every other column synchronized, not the first one thought.
We seem to be having the same discussion in two different threads, now. :)
Anyway, you can't do this - there's no way to unsycnhronize a single column. I think you would be better off using a CreationFilter to change the text inside the existing RowSelectors.
Mike Saltzman"]We seem to be having the same discussion in two different threads, now. :)
The other thread is about a nasty UI side effect that happened from me trying to hide the ExpansionIndicator; this one was more concerned with the best way to achieve a custom-numbering row selector. But yes its the same grid in my application that I am trying to do wacky things with. ^_^
Looks like I'll be going the creation filter route then. Thanks for the help; You 'da man.
EDIT: There was a good bit of information that you posted in the other thread that I wanted to put here for future searchers...
Mike Saltzman"]It seems to me like using the extra column here for the row numbers is probably not going to work. Or at least that that approach is far more complicated than the alternative of using a DrawFilter to draw the text you want into the existing RowSelectors. In fact, I think a CreationFilter would be easier. You could turn on row numbers in the row selectors and then simply set the Text of the TextUIElement that already exists inside the RowSelectorUIElement.
It seems to me like using the extra column here for the row numbers is probably not going to work. Or at least that that approach is far more complicated than the alternative of using a DrawFilter to draw the text you want into the existing RowSelectors. In fact, I think a CreationFilter would be easier. You could turn on row numbers in the row selectors and then simply set the Text of the TextUIElement that already exists inside the RowSelectorUIElement.