How to optimize Ultragrid during runtime without any value in it or no datasource (it loads 5-7 seconds)?
How to get or count the total ultragrid rows when it is filtered using ultragrid filter?
A post by Mike on Wingrid performance is there .. ..That can help you in getting the performance..
to get the filtered rows count
there is a property available..
this returns the count of rows which satisfied the filtered
If the grid is slowing things down and there is no DataSource attached, then it's most likely caused by the JITting of the assemblies. This happens the first time any assembly is loading into memory. One way to test if this is the case is to load a form with the grid and see if the delay occurs, then load another instance of the same form. If the delay does not occur the second time you load the same form, then it's probably a JITting issue.
The only way I know of to get around issues like that is to pre-JIT the assembly on the machine using NGen.