I programatically create a tabbed dockable group pane with 2 tabs. After these tabs are created and displayed. I grab a tab and float it. Once floated I double click on the floated dock in order to send it back from where it came. When it returns to the dock it returns to a new group not from the tab group. If I manually put it back into the correct tab group then perform the same float and dock operation all is well. Is there something I can do when manually creating a tab group to have the panes remember where they came from when floated? Heres my code to create Groups and Panes:
protected static DockableGroupPane CreateTabDockableGroupPane(IControlDefinition definition) {DockableGroupPane dockGroupPane = new DockableGroupPane();dockGroupPane.ChildPaneStyle = ChildPaneStyle.TabGroup; dockGroupPane.GroupSettings.TabLocation = ConvertToLocation(definition.TabOrientation);dockGroupPane.Size = new Size(definition.Width, definition.Height); dockGroupPane.Text = definition.Name;return (dockGroupPane); } protected virtual void AddControlToGroup(DockableGroupPane groupPane, IControlDefinition definition) {if (definition != null) {DockableControlPane dockableControlPane = new DockableControlPane(); dockableControlPane.OriginalControlBounds = new Rectangle(definition.X, definition.Y, definition.Width, definition.Height);dockableControlPane.Size = new Size(definition.Width, definition.Height); Control control = CreateControl(definition); dockableControlPane.Control = control; dockableControlPane.Text = definition.Name;groupPane.Panes.AddRange(new DockablePaneBase[ { dockableControlPane }); } } Thanks, Bill
dockGroupPane.GroupSettings.TabLocation = ConvertToLocation(definition.TabOrientation);
dockGroupPane.Text = definition.Name;
dockableControlPane.OriginalControlBounds = new Rectangle(definition.X, definition.Y, definition.Width, definition.Height);
dockableControlPane.Control = control;
dockableControlPane.Text = definition.Name;
This looks like it might be a bug. I would recommend submitting the issue to the support group: http://es.infragistics.com/gethelp.