I have a UltraGrid with an underlying dataset and rows are added to thedataset during a program run, how do you get the datagrid to update itselfto reflect the changes in the underlying dataset? I tried Update() and Refresh() but these don't seem to work. Only thing that works is rebinding
the datset to the datagrid control, I loose active row , expanded groups and all this doesn't seem to be quite right.
Well, you asked it here: http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/p/7306/61174.aspx#61174 and mike answered that before. I think it is not reasonable to preserve the layout (e.g. selected row, expanded row) if you refresh the data, because a previously selected or expanded row can be removed after the data refresh.
You can do it manually by saving the id column value of each selected or expanded row, and after the refresh loop through the rows and find those ids and select or expand the rows you want.
I am able to refresh , i want to stop grid from repainting() and loosing all the expanded groups .I dont understand why i need to bind again and agian.I am sure i am missing somethign .. DO i need to Commit Dataset change to notify the grid or some thing ?