How can i used UltraCalcManager?
Could you be more specific? The CalcManager is a component. It has lots of properties, events, and methods. There is documentation provided with NetAdvantage, as well as a number of sample applications.
Heh. I have basically the same question. Mike - it's hard for us to be more specific when we don't know how to use it... I don't really have a specific question to ask. So I'll say the same thing in response. Could you be more specific?
Could you provide some links to these samples or documentation? I've found the list of properties in the documentation, but that's not very helpful. It's just property and method names, with no explanation. I'm looking for a suggestion of how to use the component, and what to do when you get exclamation points everywhere. I know there used to be How-To's and articles on the Infragistics website, but I can't seem to find them any more.
Thank you.
- Brad
Hi Brad,
Well, I'm not sure where the How-To's are. You could go to the online documentation and do a search there, or look in the table of contents.
Go to Windows Forms -> Developer's Guide -> The ToolSet -> Controls and Components
This gives you a list of all of the WinForms controls and components, one of which is UltraCalcManager. There are topics here to help you understand and use the component.
Also, there are a bunch of sample projects installed along with NetAdvantage. There are some very simple samples like the Basic Math and Circle samples. There are also samples of using the component with UltraWinGrid to provide calculated columns and summaries.