i use Ultra Grid to load my data, after binding the grid to datatable, i add a image to one of the column.
when the grid shows in the form it is shown with the pensil mark in each row, this gives a meaning that every row is selected.
Please let me know how to remove thsi pensil mark that is the edit mark.
Hi Sailash,
The pencil icon is an indicator that one or more cell values have been modified in the row. You can call row.Update method to commit the modifications. There's also UpdateData method on the UltraGrid that will do it for all rows in the grid.
The pencil may indicate that there is a difference between the data in the grid row and the data in the bound dataset row.
See if tnhis works: If you are adding the image to the grid row, try adding it to the dataset row instead, and let the binding change the value in the grid.
Your question may recieve more responses from your peers in ether the WebGrid or WinGrid forums.
If your peers don't have an answer, submitt your issue to Developer Support via the Product Support section on this page:
Correction in my question.
i use Ultra Grid to load my data, after binding the datatable to grid, i add a image to one of the column in ultragrid.
when the grid shows in the form it is shown with the pensil mark in each row, this gives a meaning that every row is EDITED.