Searched the forum and found no answer so far...
I have an UltraTab (Wizard style) with 5 tabs.
On tab2 there are 3 textboxes.
Point is, how can I set the focus to one of the textboxes, when the user goes to that tab?
I tried many options before, including the Paint event...
The more logical way seems to use the ActiveTabChanged event, however it doesn't work.
Honestly is very dissapointing to ask for such a simple task, but after trying a lot, I have no clue!
Thanks in advance!
Thanks very much for your response.
It worked perfectly well!
I have created a sample with an UltraTabControl (ultraTabControl1) and another UltraTabControl (ultraTabControl2) on the first tab of ultraTabControl1. There is also a TextBox control on the first tab of ultraTabControl2. If I call Focus on the TextBox in the Shown event of the Form, the TextBox receives input focus. If you are experiencing different results, I would recommend submitting the issue to the support group:
Mike, thanks again for your reply,
Maybe I wasn't clear enough with my situation.
The form has an UltraTab and in first tab, another UltraTab (child)
The TextBox is in the first tab of the child.
I have tried the form Load and Shown event, also the Activated at no avail...
Any ideas are welcomed!
If you just want to Focus the TextBox the first time the form is loaded, you can try using the Load or Shown event of the Form.
Thanks for your answer.
Using the SelectedTab event works AFTER the form was loaded.
My concern, is how to set the focus on the textbox the first time the form is loaded, given the fact that the textbox is in TabIndex=0
Paint event works, but also brings some collateral effects.
Any help is appreciated!