I have couple of grid columns data as image (Something like status indicator), but when try to export using ultraGridExcelExporter the Images are not visible in the excel sheet, instead of images the columns display text as " System.Drawing.Bitmap".
Please let me know how can i display the image in the excel sheet.
Hm, that's odd. I can't see any reason why collapsing the band should make any difference. You should Submit an incident to Infragistics Developer Support so they can check it out. It sounds like it may be a bug.
Mike, I have observed the behaviour of Row Exporting Event, Column Exporting Event. if the Band is collapsed in the Excel sheet and the band has got image columns within it, those columns are not displaying images for some reason.
Thanks Mike.
I found the sample code and implemented it using Cell Exported Event (Quite Sucessfull), but for some reason the Image is not getting displayed in (Sub bands i.e Band=2).
I have a grid with Master & Child relationship, and both these bands have images as their Grid Column and for some reason the Child Grid doesnt display any image in the Excell sheet.
Is it the reason becasue the Band is collapsed in the Excel sheet?
The UltraGridExcelExporter doesn't support exporting images currently.The reason is that the Infragistics.Excel assembly didn't originally support images. Image support was added later and the UltraGridExcelExporter was never updated with image support. A decent argument could be made that this is a bug and so I recommend that you Submit an incident to Infragistics Developer Support.
Include a link to this forum post so they can see that I asked you to report it and ask them to write it up for developer review. :)
In the mean time, I'm pretty sure that there's a sample that demonstrates how to export the images using the events of the UltraGridExcelExporter. It's in the WinGrid SamplesExplorer sample, near the top of the list: "V7.2 Exporting Images and Formulas to Excel".