I have a Wingrid that contains a single hierarchy of records. I am showing BOXES at the parent-level and FILES (in those boxes) at the child-level. When the grid is first populated, as I scroll horizontally through the columns in the grid, the first 7 columns in the parent band display clearly. If I continue to scroll farther to the right, there are, what appears to be, other columns that are squeezed together (it looks like a bunch of "up" arrows at the top of squeezed columns and "down" arrows at the bottom of these squeezed columns, can't see any data in them, just squeezed headers & arrows). If I click somewhere outside of this active window and return, the display of all columns seems to be OK. If I return to the grid and start horizontally scrolling again, I get the same "blurry" result. Do I need to add some code to control this display as I scroll horizontally across the columns?
Why are you using an UltraCombo as the EditorControl for the columns? What functionality do you want to acheive by this?
You might want to try commenting that out and see if that's the issue.
If that doesn't help, I'm afraid I am out of ideas. The only other thing I can suggest is that you try to duplicate this in a small sample project and Submit an incident to Infragistics Developer Support
I was given this example to use an EditorControl by another co-worker. I don't know how else to associate a grid column with an ultracombo. I'm using the same "UltraCombo" as the editor control for all of these columns.
What are you using an EditorControl for?
When you say "ComboBox" do you mean UltraCombo or UltraComboEditor?
Are you using the same combo as the editor control of all of the columns?
I'm using Visual Studio version 8, .NET 2.0 SP1, IE 7 running against an Oracle database.
Here is more detail regarding the two bands that are in this grid.
Band[0] is called "BOXES".Band[0] has 16 columns (13 are bound, 3 are unbound).10 columns are displayed in the grid in this order:1. Select checkbox2. Box type - uses combobox in EditorControl3. JD Box id4. Curr Loc - uses combobox in EditorControl5. Home Loc - uses combobox in EditorControl6. Checked out to - uses combobox in EditorControl7. Action - style is Button8. Office code - uses combobox in EditorControl9. Description10. Vendor Box IDBand[0] properties:GroupHeadersVisible: trueExpandable: trueColHeadersVisible: trueBand[0] has its own RowEditTemplate.==================================================
Band[1] is called "FILES".
Band[1] has 41 columns (39 are bound, 2 are unbound).
18 columns are displayed in the grid in this order:1. Current Loc - uses combobox in EditorControl2. Checked out to - uses combobox in EditorControl3. Home Loc - uses combobox in EditorControl4. Action - style is Button5. Client6. Affiliate7. Matter8. Office code - uses combobox in EditorControl9. Description10. record type - uses combobox in EditorControl11. folder type - uses combobox in EditorControl12. in box13. in folder14. working lyr15. csl name16. rpt lyr name17. box id18. volume idBand[1] properties:GroupHeadersVisible: trueExpandable: trueColHeadersVisible: trueBand[1] has its own RowEditTemplate.After I perform a search and the grid is filled, I can clearly see the first 7 columns in Band[0]. As soon as I use the horizontal scrollbar to move to the right, that's when I see these "blurred" columns. I can't clearly see the last 3 columns. It gives the illusion that there are many more columns. I haven't had the opportunity to try and recreate this in another sample project. I'm hoping this additional info. will help determine if there are other property settings, etc. that may be causing this?
Hm, that's really weird.I've never seen that before. It looks like the columns to the right of the "Action" column are simply failing to repaint when you scroll.
Is there anything unusual about those columns? Are you applying an Editor or EditorControl to them?
Is your code calling BeginUpdate on the grid at any point? If so, you might be failing to call EndUpdate.
Can you duplicate this in a small sample project?