Hey Guys
I got another question, probably pretty easy, but just my brain hurting for a Monday morning.
On my dayveiw which has my appointments on, when i open it, i would like be in the area of the current time by default .What I mean is that my working day is from 1AM - 11:59PM, so bu default it is showing me the calander from 1AM onwards for the current day.I would like it tobe sitting at current time -1 hour or something similar. I do have the markeron the calander showing current time, but i would like it to scrool the view to that point.
Does that make sense?
I have tried setting in code via Me.ultraCalendarInfo1.DaysOfWeek.Item(Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DayOfWeekEnum.Monday).WorkDayStartTime = Now.AddHours(-1)
but that does not seem to do it. Is there an easy way for this?
Cheers in advance
Aaron, well done!!!
Again you hit me with the perfect response.
Cheers, i owe you yet another beer :)
Try this:
Me.dayViewAppointments.EnsureTimeSlotVisible(Now, True)