I have a form which has 3 buttons and a ultragroupby which contains a ultragrid. The tab order is set to 0-grid, 1-button1, 2-button2, 3-button3. When the app runs the focus is place on the ultrabutton not on the grid. When I remove the grid from the ultragroupby container and re-run the app the grid receives focus. How do i get the grid to recieve focus when it's contained in a ultragroupby. I attached a small app to demostrate the issue I'm having.
If you open up your form in the designer and go to the View menu in Visual Studio and select Tab Order, you will see the tab order visually on the form. You will notice that the grid's Tab order is not 0, it's 4.0. That's because it's contained inside the GroupBox and the GroupBox's TabOrder is 4. Tab order is a hierarhical system.
None of this has anything to do with the grid, you just need to set the Tab Index property on the containing control.