1. I have two (2) UltraToolbars that are both docked at the top of a panel.
2. I use the Vista style for the UltraToolbar manager
Here is the code
_ultraToolbarsManager1.DockWithinContainer = this._Panel1;
There will ALWAYS be one horizental row over both toolbars, one (1) pixel in height, that I cant get rid of...
_ultraToolbarsManager1.Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolbarStyle.Office2000;
both toolbars will be directly to each other...
How can I have the latest style (Vista) AND get the two toolbars to be placed directly against each other if both is docked at the top?
I believe that view style was created from Window Explorer. Unfortunately, I don't think there is a way to show multiple toolbars to know if a 1 pixel padding is appropriate or not. This may have been intentional but it could also be a bug. I would recommend submitting the issue as a bug: http://es.infragistics.com/gethelp. If the padding was intentional, maybe a ToolbarPadding property can be added to the UltraToolbarsManager to be able to control the space between toolbars.