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How to export a complex head wingrid using ExcelExport?

The wingrid I want to export to Excel has a complex head which was designed by using wingrid's "groups and levels" and "Row Layout" column arrangement.  But when I using the ExcelExport, the generated Excel  document only had the heads "Name    Sex   Age     Email  Telephone", and the heads above this "   Personal Info              Contact Info" were not exported, how to do so? Thank you!


   Personal Info              Contact Info
Name    Sex   Age     Email  Telephone
Item      Item  Item     Item     Item
Item      Item  Item     Item     Item
Item      Item  Item     Item     Item

  • 469350
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        The Excel Exporter will support RowLayouts when exporting, but it does not support Groups and Levels. I didn't think it was possible to use both together, but if you are using Groups and Levels to create your headers, then this will not be exported. You will probably have to use the RowLayout to create simulated group headers by using dummy columns and setting LabelPosition to LabelOnly.