Is there any way we can move the UltraWintoolbar location, when i see the running instance the toolbar is moved to different location ((Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.IKeyTipProvider.Location = {X = 428 Y = 69}),), but there is no API which will respoition the location of the toolbar.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It appears I posted the wrong link before. Here is the link to submit a feature request:
I can`t find this feature requesе but this functionality is necessary.
Have you submit it?
If you are talking about the location of the toolbar when it is floating, you can use the FloatingLocation property. However, if you are referring to its horizontal position within its dock row (or vertical position if it is docked to the left or right), this can only be changed by dragging the toolbar. You can submit a feature request to be able to set this through code: