I have been using AfterSelectChange event to capture the row selection change on the grid. So when i click on the row, the Mouse click would select the row which inturn would fire the AfterSelectionChange event. The Mouse click event only is used to handle the right click context menus.
Now..when i click on the expand/collapse button, the groupby row is selected and fires off methods related to that. I want to be able to distinguish between a click on the row and click on the expand/collapse button. how do i do that?
I'm not sureI understand the issue. Why does it matter if the user selected a GroupByRow by clicking on the expansion indicator or if the clicked on the actual GroupByRow? The row is still going to be selected, either way.
You can detect what part of the grid is being clicked using the grid.DisplayLayout.UIElement.ElementFromPoint method. There are lots of articles on using this technique in the Infragistics Knowledge Base. Do a search on ElementFromPoint and you will find a while bunch.