I have a ribbon group that contains two controls, a ComboBoxTool and a ControlContainerTool. Depending on user actions I want to be able show only one of these items in the group, so I set the Enabled and Visible properties of each tool's SharedProps member to show or hide the appropriate controls.
This did work initially, but now for some reason it appears the changes don't update (the enabled state does change but the visible state doesn't) and I have to switch to a different MDI tab then back again (which switches ribbons) to see the changes. :( Is there some way to force the group to redraw itself without having to switch tabs?
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Hello, I have the same problem in 8.2. Is this a bug in this version too?
I have already reported this as a bug for version 7.3 and have been told it is now in the hot fix queue, but I don't know when that will be available. :(
I have exactly the same problem and have already tried refreshmerge to no avail.
It still sounds like a bug, but you might be able to work around the issue by calling RefreshMerge on either manager after changing the visibility of the tools.