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We have a complex application that has multiple Docked windows. The window docked to bottom has child pane style "Tabgroup". Each of these tabs have ultraTabWorkspaces.

Hence there will be multiple instances of a smartpart(view) in each tab page in the ultratabworkspace.The view (smartpart) contains other 3 DeckWorkspace to hold smaller smartparts and few other controls like UltraButton etc.

Our SmartClient application needs be localized to display English, Chinese and Japanese strings.
We are using Infragistics NetAdvantage for winforms 8.1 and SCSF april 2008 release.

What is the best approach to have runtime language switching.

i.e, when user selects "Japanese" language from the "Languages" menu while application is running in "English",
without closing and re-opening the views/application, the strings being displayed in all views, menus etc should
changed to selected (Japanese) language.

P.S : This is not for just the Navigation controls, but for all NetAdvantage for WinForms controls in complex smart client application.