In a ultragrid when the cursor is placed inside a cell, on pressing the right mouse button, a standard contextmenu
containing items like "open IME", cut, copy, paste is displayed.
Is there a possibility to suppress that kind of menu in order to replaced it by a customized menu ?
like e.DisplayPromptMsg = false in the handler BeforeRowDeleted ? in order to suppress the standard delete confirmation dialog ??
This doesn't have anything to do with the ContextMenu.
FAQ:Mouse events such as MouseDown, MouseUp, and DoubleClick do not fire when the mouse is over a cell that is in edit mode.
hi,i have a similar issue, however i need to handle the right click event. however if you setup a blank context menu the right click event doesn't get fired. It works if you aren't focused on the control, but not if you are in edit mode in the control and you right click inside it.I am specificaly talking about textboxes here, not in grids, sorry i just saw where this post was made originaly.I've tried the mousedown and mouseclick events and both have their right click events masked if you have an empty context menu.Any ideas? Our whole app is run from right clicking to fire up pick forms.RegardsChris
A detail about this point should be mentionned:
I always tried to suppress the menu by assigning the following
ultraGrid1.ContextMenu = null; //>>>nok!
However if you assign a empty menu it works!
ultraGrid1.ContextMenu = menu; //ok!
Thank for your contributions
Hi Vitaly,
I'm pretty sure that your question is answered above more than once.
It you assign an empty ContextMenu to the grid control before you enter edit mode on the cell, then that context menu will be assigned to the editor control of the cell and thus nothing will show up.
I've got the same question as the original one was.
To reproduce the issue: right click the cell THAT IS IN EDIT MODE.
How to suppress this menu?