I'm having problems with UltraDropDowns (used in grids) since my recent upgrade from 8.1 to 8.2. I'll try to outline these issues:1) UltraDropDown (used on a grid) fields do not auto complete. When I type an "A" into the UltraDropDown, it does not suggest something starting with A to me.2) When I type in an existing value exactly (which is in the dropdown list), it does not recognise it. That is, in the grid.BeforeCellUpdate event, the dropDown.SelectedRow property is null.I have done a little searching of the forums into this, and have found some reference to an AutoCompleteMode that was added (although I'm not sure if this was added in 8.1 or 8.2). I cant find such a property for the UltrarDropDown, but I can for the UltraGrid columns. They appear to be set to "None" for every column. I have attempted to change this to "Default" for one column. After saving it, and re-opening the form, it is back to "None". It seems to be resetting itself back after I save it.
Whats going on here? Why is auto complete not working, why is it not accepting typed in values? What has changed?
The only reason I can think of why that would happen is if you also have CellMultiline set to true for the column. You can't do AutoSuggest and CellMultiline together.
I am having a somewhat similar issue. I have an UltraGrid Column editor control set to an UltraComboEditor. I have set the AutoCompleteMode to SuggestAppend on both the ComboEditor and the grid column.
When I run the app and type in the grid column - it populates the cell with the matching value and highlights the whole value as it should.
My problem is that it sets the cursor to the end of the highlighted text rather than the beginning.
e.g - The values in the comboeditor are - Public, On Demand, Sealed.
If I type in a P then it shows Public with the 'ublic' highlighted. But the cursor sits to the right of 'c' rather than next to the 'P'.
so then if I type a 'u' it puts it at the end of the word thereby making my selection invalid since 'Publicu' is not in the list.
I have tried to set the property in code as Goran said above but still no success.
Please help!
I had tried setting both to the same value in the designer without luck.
But when switching to setting the AutoComplete mode in the code, it worked perfectly.
Thanks a lot for the help.
Hi Goran,
Looks like I was right, you should not have to set the AutoComplete mode on both the grid column and the combo. So that was a bug and it will be fixed in the next service release. But for now, setting the property on both works.
I tested this out and it seems to work okay if I set the AutoCompleteMode on both the UltraCombo and the grid column to the same value. I'm attaching a sample here that works.
I'm not sure why you should have to set both. There may be some reason for that, but on the other hand it may be a bug. I am going to look into that aspect of it.