When user enters the only data and tabs out without entering the values for HH:MM:SS, on focus lost, the values are being cleared from the control.
Please do let me know if i am missing in the control settings.
Hi Sandip,
Thanks for your reply.
Actually, we did try to handle it in the same as you have specified in the in your reply. But, the value of the control at the Validating Event is found to be null. That means, the values are getting cleared even before the validating event fired?
This is the input which we have used in our application: DateTimeContol.MaskInput = "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
Please do let us know if you have any solutions for this issue.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi Vikram,
You can try hooking into the Validating event and check to see if hour, minute and second sections are blank and if so auto-fill them.