How do I set the Image used for PopupRibbonGroupTool (in QuickAccessToolbar)? RibbonGroup does not have SharedProps which could be used to set the AppearanceSmall.
I tried RibbonGroup.Setting.CollapsedAppearance.This displayed the Image in PopupRibbonGroupTool but it also displayed the image (small image) whenever the Group appears collapsed, which is not the desired behaviour.
While the RibbonGroup doesn't have a SharedProps, the associated PopupRibbonGroupTool does have one. I think if you set the image on its shared props it will override the image from the collapsed appearance.
Thanks Mike. I did this in the event handler for QuickAccessToolbarModified.
I am not sure if this is the right place. I was looking to set all the properties related to RibbonGroup in one place. Now I have to pass the Image to be displayed in the Tag property and set the Image property in the event handler.
That should be a safe place to do it.