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Paste data into Ultragrid with Ultradropdown column

In a Winform App using Infragistics v20.1, I have an Ultragrid bound to a DataTable. The first column of the UltraGrid has a Ultradropdown column, which has a integer Data Column an a string Display column to ease input of a mandatory value. The Override is set to Multicellop = Cut+Copy+Paste. Manually filling the grid works fine.

Copy-Pasting a single row works fine as well. But as soon as I paste 2 or more rows, a popup states that the mandatory columns does not allow nulls. But the pasted data is not null in this column. As a single-row copy works, I guess there's some issue with multi-row-pasting.

How can I paste more than one row here?

Thanks for any hint.


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