Hello, My Name is Paolo Bertoldo, from Italy
I am testing the evaluation of Ultimate UI for Windows forms
I use VB.NET Language
Database is SQL Server
I have a form bounded with a datasource, table adapter and bindingsource created with the designer.
The form uses UltraWinGrid for display data from a table called "Manuafctured"
One field of the table is "ProductID, contains primary keys, it is connected to another table called "BOM" with a UltraDropDown with Datasource, DisplayMember, and ValueMember, the display member is the product description (From BOM table) , and it works fine.
But here is the problem (sorry for the long description but it is a little complicated)
I have to display a value coming from the "BOM" table (it is called "StdWidthIn" and contains the width in inches of the product selected "ProductID")
For this purpose I have modified the SQL Query like this :
SELECT (This part is omitted for simplicity) ,(SELECT StdWidthIn FROM BOM WHERE Manufactured.ProductID = BOM.ID) AS BOMStdWidthIn,(SELECT Passes FROM BOM WHERE Manufactured.ProductID = BOM.ID) AS Passes FROM dbo.ManufacturedWHERE (((Manufactured.LengthMt)=0))ORDER BY RollNo, InputDate DESC, MfgDate, Manufactured.Customer
The query has nested SELECT statements but the most important is this :
(SELECT StdWidthIn FROM BOM WHERE Manufactured.ProductID = BOM.ID) AS BOMStdWidthIn
In the grid what appears is the alias "BOMStdWidthIn"
During form load eveything works fine, the correct data is displayed depending on the selected "ProductID"
When I try to change a "ProductID" selection via the "UltraDropDown" have written a code in the "AfterCellListCloseUp" event of the grid to modify the "BOMStdWidthIn" column according to the new value but this error appears:
The column "'BOMStdWidthIn'" is read only
The piece of code is this : e.Cell.Row.Cells("BOMStdWidthIn").Value = [some value here]
even if I try to edit it manually it is not possible but the "CellActivation" value is "AllowEdit"
My consideration is that maybe the grid cannot write a value in a column coming from the alias "BOMStdWidthIn" that is related to another table ("BOM") , not the table directly connected with the grid ("Manuafctured")
But I am not interested in changing the "BOMStdWidthIn" value, only display in the grid.
Hope the description was exhaustive
Thank you
Paolo Bertoldo
Hi Paolo,
One of the possible reasons for this warning is in case the .zip archive exceeds the maximum size limit allowed. Please, make sure that the bin, obj, .vs as well as any packages directories are omitted from the project.
In case you are still not able to attach the file, please, try attaching it here.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards, Bozhidara Pachilova
Sorry for disturbing you, I upload the ZIP file and this works, but when push "Reply" an error occur, saying that I have to call my administrator
Thank you for posting to Infragistics Community!
While the description is pretty detailed, I am afraid we cannot fully reproduce the scenario based on it. Some aspects, such as how is this “BOMStdWidthIn” value bound and displayed in the first grid, is this UltraDropDown an editor in one of the grids, etc. are unclear.
My recommendation would be to please, try and reproduce a minimal example with only the relevant code that would depict the setup and the resulting issue.
An isolated sample would be highly appreciated, so we can better understand the scenario and provide further assistance.