Is it possible to make transparent, the horizontal border of the grid for only one particular column? I'm guessing I need to implement a Drawfilter? If so, could you please direct me to an example of one in use, in the knowledge base perhaps? Thanks!
I found a solution by using a drawfilter. I can just set the color of the border to the grid backcolor.
bool IUIElementDrawFilter.DrawElement(Infragistics.Win.DrawPhase drawPhase, ref Infragistics.Win.UIElementDrawParams drawParams) { foreach (UltraGridRow row in this.grid.Rows) { UIElement FirstCellUIElement = row.Cells[0].GetUIElement(); if (FirstCellUIElement != null) { Rectangle FirstCell = FirstCellUIElement.Rect; FirstCell.Inflate(0, 1); drawParams.DrawBorders( UIElementBorderStyle.Solid, System.Windows.Forms.Border3DSide.All, Color.White, Color.White, FirstCell, drawParams.InvalidRect); } } return false; }