Is there an easy way to make entering numeric value with decimal point freely without masking? I want the editor to only allow numbers and possible a decimal point, but without having any precisions and decimal masking like ____.____ in the editor? Thanks.
Hm, that's a tough one. You can handle KeyDown and watch for CTRL+V or Shift+Insert, I suppose. Then you could mark the keystroke handled and use the ClipBoard object and examine the text there so make sure there are no invalid characters in it and handle the paste operation yourself if the data is okay. I'm not sure how you could deal with the context menu, though. You can't trap a paste from the built-in menu, so I guess you would have to create your own context menu and handle all of the default behavior of cut, copy, and paste yourself.
Thanks for the reply. Any idea how to handle to the pasting into the control?
Which editor are you referring to? It seems to me that you would probably use UltraTextEditor and then handle the KeyDown and/or KeyPress events to prevent the user from entering anything other than numbers or a decimal point. You would have to decide how to deal with pasting into the control, too, of course.