I'm using an UltraDropDownButton where the drop down control contains a grid.A user might edit cells within the Grid.One of the cells requires a hyperlink.Typically, a user will switch to the browser to copy the link and then wants to paste it into the grid.
But of course the UltraDropDownButton has been closed, since it lost focus.
Is there a way to keep the UltraDropDownButton dropped down when the focus is lost, but only if the focus is lost to another app?I'd like to close the DropDown when the user clicks anywhere in my own app, but keep it open if the user clicks into another app.
What I've found so far is the method DropDownButtonControlUIElement.OnPreMouseDown(ref MouseMessageInfo msgInfo)and the OnLeave event which will close the dropdown.Would I have to overwrite these two in my own version of the UltraDropDownButton?
Hello ,
Thank you for contacting. Looking into our document and did little research and I don’t see anything inbuit been supported for your scenario. You might have to do some interprocess communication between two application .
Anyways while doing some research I find this post might help you:
Let me know if you have further question or concern.