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Fill Ultracombo from list in UltraGrid

I have the following code to add a combobox in a grid cell, my problem is that as you can see en the image, it is displayed empty:

I have the following class:

Public Class Priority
        Public Code As String
        Public Abbr As String
End Cllass

I am feeling a list:

Dim priorityEditor As New List(Of Priority)()
priorityEditor.Add(New Priority With {.Code = "High", .Abbr = "High"})
priorityEditor.Add(New Priority With {.Code = "Medium", .Abbr = "Medium"})
priorityEditor.Add(New Priority With {.Code = "Low", .Abbr = "Low"})
priorityEditor.Add(New Priority With {.Code = "Not Ready", .Abbr = "Not Ready"})
priorityEditor.Add(New Priority With {.Code = "Ready", .Abbr = "Ready"})
priorityEditor.Add(New Priority With {.Code = "Missed", .Abbr = "Missed"})

I create the dropdown

Dim priorityDropDown As New UltraCombo With {
                    .Width = 200,
                    .DataSource = priorityEditor,
                    .ValueMember = "Abbr",
                    .DisplayMember = "Abbr"

And Finally add it to the cell

Me.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("PriorityName").EditorComponent = priorityDropDown
                Me.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("PriorityName").Style = ColumnStyle.DropDownList

What am I missing?

Thank you