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Best way to call ClickCell in code


I have a windows application with an UltraGrid. I there is a Grid_ClickCell event that made some work.

I got the task to enable that to use all the selected rows, so user select multiple rows and I need to run that code for all the selected rows,

Grid_ClickCell (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ClickCellEventArgs) Handles Grid.ClickCell

I tried to isolate the code in the ClickCell in a function to call it from the place I need, but I am getting different problems, so now I am trying to call the Grid_ClickCell  in a loop for the selected rows. What would be the best way to call it, do I call  Grid_ClickCell it self, in that case, what object do I send as parameter e? Or is it a way to invoke the click for a cell in some other way such as row.Cells("Accept").Click*() for example?

Thank you