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HOWTO - Create MDITab form without tab in tabbedMDIManager


I'm developing an application which displays forms using tabbedMDIManager.  I have a Find button at the bottom of the MDI form that shows a form to find data in a database.

The UI I'm trying to implement shows the Find form horizontally at the bottom of the main application window without a tab.   I can create the interface with nested tab group.  How do I create the form without displaying a tab?

Let me know if you need more information.

Any help greatly appreciated.


James O'Doherty
Solution and Database Architect

  • 34850
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    Hello James,

    I have been investigating into the behavior you are looking to achieve, and I have to wonder if perhaps the TabbedMDIManager is not the correct Infragistics for Windows Forms control you are looking for on this matter, and if the UltraDockManager control would be better for you in this case. I believe this control would better allow you to create a pane that exists at the bottom of your page without a “tab” user interface. Here is a link to our documentation about the UltraDockManager:

    If this does not seem to be what you want, it is also possible that I am misunderstanding the UI that you are looking to create. Would it be possible for you to please provide a screenshot or mockup of the UI you are looking for?

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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