I have a grid that shows different fields:
- Company name [Column]
- Documents [Column]
- a button to create an email [Unbound column - > buttonStyle]
- Status Email [Unbound column]
I would like that when I selected more rows and click on last cell of the last rows take me the values of the documents cell and show me in email text.
How can i do?
Hello Ca,
Thank you for the post. Unfortunately this is not how grid works , Clicking on last cell of the last rows will de-selected all the rows you selected erlier.
Instead I would recommend you to use a button outside the grid somewhere at the bottom and get the particular column looping through 'SelectedRowsCollection' or use context menu.
In case of I used an external button how I can do? I need to create a method
Like as:
For Each row As Ultragrid In Grd1.Selected.Row.Count ' How to retrieve a value cell ? Next
I need to then create a list of documents to put in the email.
This link will help you to get the cell value from selected row collection :https://es.infragistics.com/help/winforms/infragistics.win.ultrawingrid~infragistics.win.ultrawingrid.ultragrid~selected
i dont think we have anything to put the cell value list into email ,although i would like to know which email id you want to use ? The one which belongs to last row last cell?
I need to use value cells because I will put into body email. The email is generate dynamically through a Outlook.Application object. In this method i call another method that generate email text.
I hope that i explain better :)
Thank you for the update. ok so you already have the logic about putting the cell value in outlook.
About looping through the 'SelectedRowsCollection' and get the cell value on button click you can refer above link provided the code snippet: