Is it possible to detect/differentiate if a user clicked IN the checkbox area (really the square) or anywhere outside?
It seems that if you click on the Text to the right (by default) of the checkbox, that the Checked stated is modified.
Hello Eric,
Another option to try would be to derive a class from UltraCheckedEditor and then override OnMouseDown and OnMouseUp.
Set up a sample application for your reference.
Hi Divya
Thanks for the reply.
I already have the UltraCheckEditor with a blank text but the Autosize property is false and there is a big empty space to the right of the square itself.
Because the control is rendered dynamically at runtime (form is built from a list of specified control) I cannot really play with all the properties I normally would.
This is why I am asking if it is possible to detect that really the square part of the UltraCheckEditor has been clicked or if the click was done outside of its bounds.
Thank you for posting . I am able to reproduce the behavior you described using UltraCheckEditor and with MS checkbox also .
As a workaround you can use the an UltraCheckEditor with no text and then stick an UltraLabel next to it.
Let me know if you have any question.