I want to get WeekNumber on UltraMonthViewSingle when the WeekNumber column is double-clicked so that I can open UltraWeekView for the clicked week. Please let me know if you have some idea.
Hello Aaron,
Thanks for your replies! I ended up with using WeekHeaderClicked event. I wanted to have an event by double-clicking because that is the way I always do to trigger functions in my program, and I tried your suggestion which worked perfect! Then I found this WeekHeaderClicked event, and I decided to use this because this is much easier in the code. If I really have to use 'Double-Clicking' then I will probably go back to your code again!
Thanks again for your help!!!
does it HAVE to by clicking on a week number? Why not just get the weeknumber from the selected date?
Maybe something like this will do the trick (Untested but should work) - unfortunately the mouse x/y position is not passed over in the "EventArgs - e"
Private Sub UltraMonthViewMulti1_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UltraMonthViewMulti1.DoubleClick Dim d As Day = Me.UltraMonthViewMulti1.GetDayFromPoint(Me.UltraMonthViewMulti1.PointToClient(New Point(MousePosition.X, MousePosition.Y))) Dim weeknum As Integer = Me.CalInfo.GetWeekNumberForDate(d.Date) MessageBox.Show("WeekNumber of Selected Date = " & Convert.ToString(weeknum))End Sub
Let me know how it goes :)