I can change only font (to eg bold), but not other stuff - eg background
Why that ?
I have been looking into your question and my suggestion is to set the UltraGrid UseOsThemes property to False. By defaults its value is True and because of that, the default operating system theme is applied to the control. This overrides some properties like BackColor.
After it is set to False from the Properties window in VisualStudio or from code-behind
this.ultraGrid1.UseOsThemes = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.False;
the BackColor would be successfully applied.
Please test this approach on your side and let me know if I may be of any further assistance.
Teodosia Hristodorova
Associate Software Developer
Thank you !
Indeed this helped
Just to give you a little more information here... a lot of the Infragistics Winforms control draw using the O/S/ themes by default. Themed drawing is all or nothing. It either draws the theme or not and when it does, the theme will override a lot of the other Appearance properties like BackColor. The code Teodosia posted here will turn off themes for a single control. But you can also turn off themes on a single Appearance property (if you want finer control) or for your entire application (by using AppStylist).
Here's a link with some more info.