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UltraWinGrid and running total column

I have a Grid which displays a column with a distance in it and I want to display a running total of that distance.  this proved easy as there is a great example online and I added the formula as suggested and it all works.  My formula is as per the example.

[Distance] +

iserror ( [RunningTotalNew1(+1)] ),

The issue I have is that this sums up for EVERY [Distance] cell which is not entirely correct.  I have a second column which contains a string value and I only want to add [Distance] if the column ([Session]) contains a value.  Sure it can be done but I am having problems understanding the formula builder.

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  • 469350
    Offline posted

    Sound like you just need ato add a second condition to your 'if' statement. 

    What's the DataType of the Session column? What exactly does "contains a value" mean here. Will it be null? Or 0? Or an empty string? 

    Depending on which one your blanks will be, you could use a function like 'isdbnull', 'isblank', or 'isnull'.

    Then you want to logically OR that together with your current check for isError. So if it's an error OR a blank, you want to add 0. 

    So it would look something like this: 

    [Distance] +

    or( iserror ( [RunningTotalNew1(+1)]), isblank( [Distance] )),

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