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Custom Y Axis label (Gantt Chart)

I can't give Y axis label the format I want to. I achieved customing the tooltips for Items in a Gantt Chart implementing IRenderLabel interface, but I can't show my extra information in Y axis label.

I use GanttDataSource and set extra information to the chart by doing:

Dim MyLabelHashTable As New HashtableMyLabelHashTable.Add("TASCA_INFO", New EtiquetaTasca(InfoTasquesHashTable))

Gantt.LabelHash = MyLabelHashTable

I also customize label formatting:

Me.Gantt.Axis.Y.Labels.ItemFormat = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.AxisItemLabelFormat.Custom

Me.Gantt.Axis.Y.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<TASCA_INFO>"

And I add items like this:

item = New GanttItem(Id.ToString)


But I always see Id.String as Y Axis label (Even if a change item formatting with predefined tags different from <ITEM_LABEL>)

Colud you anybody tell me some possible reasons why this is happening?