is it possible to activate a Ribbon Tool so that it will be focused like the active Control on a Windows Form?
When im trying to set the Active State with the "IsActiveTool" Property the following Error appears:
Can't activate a root tool. Only tool instances that are in an UltraToolbar's or PopupMenuTool's Tools collection can be activated.
The same Error occurs when im using the "ActiveTool" Property on the Toolbars Manager.
Im using the Infragistics 2007 Volume 3 Version of the Toolbar.
Whats the Problem? Ribbon Tools cant have Sub Items i think?!? So why i cant activate a Ribbon Tool?
I'm guessing you're getting the tool from the Tools collection of the toolbars manager. This collection contains root tools that are not visible and therefore cannot be activated. Instead, you probably want to do something like this:
this.ultraToolbarsManager.Ribbon.Tabs[0].Groups[0].Tools["ButtonTool1"].IsActiveTool = true;
This sets IsActiveTool on an instance tool as opposed to a root tool.
Thank you.
but i still have the problem that my TextBoxTool is not focussed on the Windows Form.
When my Windows Form gets loaded, i need to bring the cursor into the TextBoxTool of my Ribbon.
Im looking for something like:
myWindowsFormInstance.ActiveControl = myTextBoxToolFromRibbon;
do you have any ideas?
thanks a lot
Hello Saurabh,
I was unable to get a working sample together. Can you please attach a sample (solution) that reproduces the behavior?
I have a Parent form on which I have a ultratoolbar manager and root tools on it
I have child form and ultratoolbars manager on it . i am using Parent ultratoolbarmanager on child form.
so basically i have two toolbars on child form which are dock withe two different panels and that two different panels are on one main panel.
Now when i hit ALT key it doen't activate first root tool.
For Processcmd key i write a code in Base form to focus first tool.
utbBaseQueueCtls.Tools(0).IsActiveTool =true
but i am getting this exception.
I am going to require more information regarding your application.
1. What seems to trigger this issue?2. Can this issue be reproduced? How? Please provide steps.3. What does your application consist of? Provide screenshots
In order to properly assist you I require an isolated sample that demonstrates the issue.
Let me know if you have any additional questions.
I have a ultratoolbar manager and root tools on it and that is a control which i am using on another forms.
tbmBaseQueueCtls.Tools(0).IsActiveTool =true