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Ultragrid default row selector highlight will not turn off


I have two ultragrids.

On one when you click the row selector the row does not highlight, this is good. If I wanted to let it highlight the row then I could comment out this line of code so I know I am in the right place:

this.SecuritiesGrid.DisplayLayout.Override.ActiveAppearancesEnabled = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.False;

I have another grid and no matter what I do the blue highlight when clicking on the row selector, or clicking the selector then moving up and down with the arrows, will not switch off.

I have tried setting it in the grids properties sheet, in code in the InitializeLayout, and a few other places. It will not switch of the blue row highlight. I have some row configuration in InitializeRow where I change the font of the cells dependent on data but I have even switched that off (i.e. not called my method) and still the blue highlight appears.

I have tried the Reset on ActiveRowAppearance I think it was and ActiveCell Appeareance I think (I saw another forum post) but the options were disabled anyway and I nothing was changed to be reset in the first place.

Is there something that overrides the override for this property that I am missing?



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