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Can't get UltraOfficeNavBar to go all the way across the width of the form

All I have done here is put an UltraOfficeNavBar on the form and dock it to the bottom of the form.  Then add a UltraDockManager.  THen to see a DockManager pane I added an UltraExplorerBar and set it to dock on the left.

I want the OfficeNavBar to go all the way across the bottom of the screen and to not be hidden by the UltraExplorerBar (more like a status bar)

  • 7575
    Offline posted

    Hello Andrew,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    I am able to reproduce the behavior ,not able to set UltraOfficeNavBar all the way across the width of the form .

    I have submitted this development issue for further investigation (259164) and have created a private case (CAS-198918-S1J6G0) where I will provide you further information.

    Please let me know if I can provide you further assistance.

    Divya Jain
    Associate Software Developer