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inserting UltraGrid inside UltraCombo

I have a requirement wherein when a dropdown or combobox drops down , it has a Gridview with filter feature.

So I thought if we could add Ultragrid inside Ultracombo or something...

Please suggest how to do that .

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  • 6120
    Offline posted

    Hello Vivek,

    The UltraCombo control's list is a multi-column, grid-like dropdown list. You can just add it to your form in order to use it. There are couple of ways of filtering the dropdown data. Please elaborate on the details of your requirement and I can provide you more information regarding it. Or if you are trying to provide a multi-column dropdown list in a grid cell, use the UltraDropDown control.

    I will continue to look into this issue as soon as I hear from you.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

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