I want to use ultraFormManager.
How to use ultraFormManager?
and What kind of functions does it have?
ps I am using a translator.
Your question was answered in the Window title disappear with UltraToolbarsManager thread.
I use the UltraToolbarsManager an I have the Problem, that the title text won't appear. But the Icon is still visible.
The title is only visible if I set FormDisplayStyle to Standard. The settings from the Window.Form FormBorderStyle is set to Sizable.
Note that the UltraFormManager functionality is a subset of the UltraToolbarsManager functionality. So if you are using UltraToolbarsManager,you already have all of the same features as UltraFormManager and you do not need an UltraFormManager.
Hello SW Lee,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics. The WinFormManager component enables you to style the areas of a form such as the caption area, form borders, and the close, restore, maximize, minimize and context help buttons. The form can be styled through the properties window and also via Infragistics AppStylist. The styling offered for this component is similar to the styling available in WinToolbarsManager.
I strongly encourage you to visit the following online documentation for more details and examples for understanding the WinFormManager.
Let me know if you have any questions.