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Infragistic Grid slow paint with Windows 10 / .NET 4.7

From Infragistic 2015.1 Win7 .NET 4.6 to Win10 4.7 we noticed a slow down in repainting the grid with several hundred rows and about 15 columns.

From < 1 second to 4 second and sometimes 20 seconds.

We tried the .NET 4.7.1 patch and that didn't help a whole lot.

Does Infragistic 2018.1 have optimization for Win10's GDI for this performance issue?

Using VS2017 Performance Profiler I see a huge difference in the number of calls on Win 10 / .NET 4.7+   vs Win 7 / 4.6.1.

[Edit] Turns out to be a performance issue with Arial font in Win 10.   Switching to MS Sans font and the slowness went away.