I've to create line chart with datapoints (labels) on top of it as shown in the pic below. As can be seen:a. series points & these labelled datapoints may not be equal (e.g., there might be 5 points in the series but there might be 3 or 10 labelled datapoints on top of this line chart)b. datapoints (labels) need a background (black filled round circle)
Is creating custom layer the only way or are there any other easy way out with winchart to accomplish this?
Thanks in adv.
Thanks Max. Annotations worked for me.
Unfortunately, I don't see your image. Did you upload it using the Options tab -> add file attachment?As for your question, you can use a custom layer for this or just about anything (or FillSceneGraph event in version 7.3 and later). But if you don't want to, try using the annotations collection and add an EllipseAnnotation. Height will control the ellipse height, you can set a background and location can be based on axis values (location.type = DataValues). Here's a help link with more info.http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/NET/2008.2/CLR2.0/html/Chart_Annotations.html