How to autosize the columns after creating a worksheet?
There have been no updates on this as far as I know. If you have not already done so, you should Submit a feature request to Infragistics
Hi Mike,
My application also exports data from WinGrid to Excel and I am looking for a way to Autofit all the columns.
I am using Infragistics version 8.2. Any updates on the above discussed feature.
Has that been included in any hotfixes ? Let me know.
Hi Roland,
I took a look and the UltraGridExcelExporter doesn't useany kind of built-in autosizing, it calculates the neccessary column widths internally and sets the Width on the WorkSheetColumn directly.
So if there is a method in Excel to autosize, it's not currently exposed. You should submit a feature request to Infragistics that a method be added for this.
Request a Feature or Component
I'm using the Workbook class in a manual way.
I used Excel's COM interop to export excel before, and it has the api to autofit the column.
I can't find this feature in ultra's class library, maybe i've missed something however this is a quite useful feature to be added to your product.
I think the Excel columns are supposed to automatically be sized. You should not have to do anything. Is this not happening?
Are you using the UltraGridExcelExporter or are you just exporting the data yourself in some manual way?