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Needed UltraGrid performance related tips and suggestions

 Hi All,

I m using ultragrid to display logs for my application, all the logs are being read from multiple files asynchronously by using ThreadPool threads. The ultragrid is bind to a DataView as a BindingSource which is updated by the UI Thread. After all the data is successfully loaded in grid i m giving the users provision to filter this grid for which im using FilterConditions on ColumnFilters. These logs can range somewhere from thousands to a million and have a dozen columns. I have also set the LoadStyle to LoadOnDemand. So far, the performance is satisfactory as it is loading approx. 470,000 records in 1min 40secs. And it took me 4 to 5 secs to filter this data using DateTime and string filters. 

I want to know whether i can improve the performance if i  will take following steps:

  • Removing the bindingSource and populating the Grid directly, because i dont think binding source will be of much use here.
  • Changing the LoadStyle to PreLoadRows. I think it will improve the filtering on UltraGrid.
Any suggestions or Tips are more then welcome.

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    ayub said:
    Removing the bindingSource and populating the Grid directly, because i dont think binding source will be of much use here.


    Not only will this not help, it's not possible. The grid MUST have a DataSource in order to function. There are more efficient data sources than a DataView, though. You might want to consider using UltraDataSource instead of the DataView. 

    ayub said:
    Changing the LoadStyle to PreLoadRows. I think it will improve the filtering on UltraGrid.

    Once you filter or sort the grid, the grid has to load all of the rows. So the only thing this will do is make the grid load all the rows initially instead of loading them all the first time to the filter is applied.


    You might want to look at the DisplayStyle property of the column.This can help make cell drawing more efficient if you can eliminate parts of the cell you are not using.

    You may also want to take a look at this post: There are some suggestions there for mimizing memory usage.