At runtime when I right click on the toolbar I get a popup context window with options such as the name of the toolbar, "customize", and "lock the toolbar". However this popup is white on white and can't be read. I've searched the appearance properties and can't find the property that controls the forecolor and backcolor of the context popup. Can anyone please let me know what properties control these colors.
those were the settings I was looking for... thanks.
Hello Ron,
Thank you for the update.
Setting the ToolbarsManager.Appearance will affect the entire control.
If you wants to change the Forecolor and BackColor of the context popup menu then use these settings:
ToolbarsManager -> MenuSettings -> ToolAppearence
And the area containing the checkbox is a icon area, to change its Forecolor and BackColor use these settings:
ToolbarsManager ->MenuSettings ->IconAreAppearence
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Unfortunately I don't believe that will work. The customer has the ability to change the screen colors and I do that by setting the appearance of an UltraToolbarsManager object to the appearance of a reference datagrid (whose colors have already been set). Here is an example of what I am doing.
MyUltratoolbarsManager.Appearance = TargetColorGrid.DisplayLayout.Override.HeaderAppearance MyUltratoolbarsManager.Appearance.ForeColor = TargetColorGrid.DisplayLayout.Override.HeaderAppearance.ForeColor
Which brings me back to my original question... what UltratoolbarsManager.appearance objects contain the forecolor and backcolor of the context popup menu? If I know that, I can set them programatically.
After doing further research it looks like I was able to reproduce the behavior when I set the appearance Forecolor and backColor of the toolbarManager directly, instead we have to go through the ToolbarSettings-> appearance and set the forecolor Green and Forecolor white.Like demonstrated in the attached sample.
Now at run time when i open the popup the text is visible and doesn’t get the white forecolor.
Thank you for posting to our forum.
UltraToolBarsManager when set the BackColor Green and ForeColor white I am able to reproduce the behavior you described.
I would like to update you that i am I am working on your requirement and I’ll provide you my progress by tomorrow EOD.
Meanwhile if you have any further question or concern please let me know.