Dear Infragistics support,
I'm trying to fulfil the following requirements for a grid with all bound columns:
The expected behaviour is, that the raw value is displyed in edit mode as defined in input mask. Whenever the edit mode terminates, the formatting applies to the dedicated cell.
The data type of the affected bound column in my example is Nullable<decimal>. My attempts to realize the requirements have failed so far using the following approaches:
I'm aware to set UseEditorMaskSettings = true for the dedicated column.
What do I miss or is there a different, more promising approach? By reading other posts, I stumbled over the usage of a custom data filter to handle the custom formatting.
I kindly expect your response.
Thank you very much for providing the sample project. The approach I used is quite similar to the one in the code sample.
My issue was basically, that the designer code of the UltraGrid assigned to the Format property of the associated UltraGridColumn string.Empty = " " as Format. This format definition always overrid my definition from the editor in InitializeRow event.
As soon as I removed this assignment in the designer code, my solution worked perfectly.
In order to optimize memory usage I created an editor instance per format and cached it internally.
Code sample attached.
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I am attaching a sample that demonstrates this behavior of setting a different format for each cell.