I imported your example code from a 2D sample.
I attached a screen shot with the error I get when I compile the code.
I know I don't have "/chart_gray_bg.jpg" how can I get it and how can I get rid of the errors in my code.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Colin,
I recommend reading our help topic on scrolling and scaling chart axes here:https://es.infragistics.com/help/winforms/chart-scrolling-and-scaling-charts
If you have our samples browser installed, you can find a working sample of this in our Legacy Samples. In the Legacy Samples, look for the WinChart Samples Explorer under DataVisualization and find Axis Scrolling under Chart Axes.
Please let me know if you require further assistance after taking the above steps and I can put together a sample that demonstrates how this can be done.
I was using the following example:
Trying to get use to your controls and functions calls. I am looking for a specific example of trying to zoom in on a chart and this was the one that I found.
Which sample were you using? What method did you use to adapt the code?
chart_gray_bg.jpg is resource in the project, and you should be able to access it normally. The errors you are seeing are related to your project's resources. Once you add the image as a resource, those errors should be easy to fix by changing the code to reference the resources you added.
Please see the following MSDN topic for more information about resource files: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7zxb70x7.aspx