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UltraSchedulePrintDocument total pages


I am trying to get the UltraSchedulePrintDocument control to print a Header or Footer line that prints Page xx of  yy where xx is the page number of yy Total pages

I have tried various strings replacements  such as   .Footer.TextRight = "Page <#> of <##>" which works as expected  in  a UltraGridPrintDocument but not a UltraSchedulePrintDocument

The UltraGridPrintDocument goes through a "generating Preview" which the UltraSchedulePrintDocument does not and in the UltraSchedulePrintDocument under debug the property TotalPages of the UltraSchedulePrintDocument never receives a value.

Is there a property I need to set to cause the UltraSchedulePrintDocument  to generate the complete previewed output first to get value in TotalPages to have a value like the UltraGridPrintDocument does or is this a defect?

Thank you in advance for your help

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