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How to change Scroll Button in ListBar of ExplorerBar to Scroll Bar?

I want a Scroll Bar in the expanded item list, not in the right of the control. Could anybody tell me how to achieve it ?

I had searched all the properties of this control but no one worked. Can i Achieve it programmatically rather than by Designer?

  • 1980
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Jim,

    You can move the scrollbar buttons of the ListView Style of the ExplorerBar by using the Right-to-left layout of the control. This is achieved by setting the RightToLeft property to ‘Yes’. The Right-to-Left mode flips the control’s displayed text and UI elements across the line of symmetry, or axis of reflection, rendering a mirrored view of the control’s displayed text and UI elements, which usually displays in a Left-to-Right orientation.